In this program, the focus is on physical, intellectual and personal development. Children establish a lifelong appreciation for safe activity in the water, and learn vital survival skills not just for the pool but for rivers, lakes and the ocean.

Program levels

Teachers assess and progress children through the program levels, based on their individual ability.

Level Description



Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 5 students

  • Water awareness
  • Understanding of different entries and safe choices around water environments
  • Floatation and Body Position
  • Develop flutter propulsion in kicking
  • Paddle & kick with a recovery breath
  • Breath control
  • Introduction of freestyle arm movements



Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 6 students


  • We have a continual, relaxed, flutter kick with strong propulsion
  • Form a streamlined body position on front and back
  • Continual development of freestyle and backstroke
  • Learn how to turn head to breath to the side  
  • Introduce survival backstroke and dolphin kick


Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 6 students

  • Perform an underwater push & glide
  • Continual, relaxed, flutter kick
  • Freestyle is continued with alternate side breathing
  • Backstroke demonstrates continual, relaxed kicking
  • Introduction to Breaststroke kick on their back
  • Continual development of dolphin kick motion



Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 6 students

  • Developing Freestyle and backstroke technique without board
  • Introduction to correct starts for each stroke
  • Continued development of Breaststroke kick technique with aid
  • Learn to catch at beginning of stroke
  • Confident underwater movement and summersaults



Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 6 students

  • Creating strong strokes with continual correction
  • Increasing endurance through further swimming distance and number of laps
  • Development of Breaststroke kick to form strong propulsion
  • Basic introduction to Breaststroke arms
  • Continual development of starts from wall
  • Introduction to Tumble Turns



Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 7 students

  • Endurance development over 50m for all strokes
  • Complete Breaststroke with timing
  • Successful execution of survival backstroke and side stroke
  • Introduction to basic butterfly arms
  • Correct starts from wall for all strokes
  • Development of successful Tumble Turns from one stroke to another



Ages: 5+ years
Class size: 7 students

  • Increasing endurance to pathway feed into SAALC Squads
  • Continual improvement of stroke technique
  • Deep water confidence
  • Introduction to full Butterfly
  • Develop dive starts
  • Encourage Tumble Turns at each end
  • Successful execution of survival backstroke and sidestroke

Deep Fish

Ages: 5+ years
Class sizes
Deep Octopus 2:1
Deep Sardine 3:1
Deep Salmon 3:1
Deep Tuna 4:1

  • Classes run in deep water with no flotation devices
  • Focus is on deep water safety as well as stroke development and technique
  • Encourages children to understand their own individual abilities in the water
  • Small class size allows for more swimming time and a more tailored approach

Swimming Lessons Information

  • Program and Safety Requirements

    Infant and Preschool lessons

    • Babies must be at least 6 months old
    • Children in nappies must wear aqua nappies that are tight fitting around the thighs (you can buy them in centre)
    • Parents should bring bathers during the first few lessons, in case the child gets upset and needs support in the water

    All child lessons

    • Bring bathers, towel, goggles (recommended, but not required) and dry clothes
    • Come to the edge of the pool at the start of the lesson and directly hand over your child to the teacher
    • Watch the lesson (Preschool classes)
    • Stay as close as possible to the lesson (for example, by sitting in the chairs around the pool)
    • Come to the edge of the pool at the end of the lesson and collect your child
    • Photos are only allowed in the pool area with prior arrangement (never in the change room area). See our FAQs page for more information.

    To provide a safe environment for your child, parents/carers must stay in the pool with infants for the whole lesson.

  • Accessible Classes

    We can develop swimming lessons on request to cater for participants with special needs.

    We can custom-design swimming programs for school or community groups of all ages with intellectual or physical disabilities. The programs focus on improvement of health and wellbeing and enhance self confidence.
    Our teachers are AUSTSWIM accredited, and provide a safe, social and encouraging learning environment. To find out more, contact our friendly customer service team on (08) 8198 0198.

  • Enrolment

    You have three options to enrol.

    1. Register online (online not available for Adult, Privates and Access).
      • complete the level-assessment and membership agreement and enrol into your preferred time. Guides are available on this page for help with enrolment
    2. Feel free to come into the Centre and speak to one of our customer service officers.
    3. Call us on (08) 8198 0198.
  • Student and parent features

    Swimming lessons members receive:

    • One 30-minute swimming lesson per week
    • 12 make-up lessons per calendar year (with no more than four make-up lessons per term). See our make-up lessons policy for details.
    • Access to Splash Park and the Leisure Pool outside lesson times. For further information please click here.

    Parents of children will receive:

    • Access to the online customer portal to allow you to track your child’s achievements as they progress through the swim program.
  • Fees

      Fee per week 
    Standard Rate (Inclusive of standard programs for Infant, Pre-school, School-aged, Adults, and Teens) $26.90

    Fees effective 27 March 2025.
    Swimming Lessons are direct debited fortnightly.
    Please call us for all other rates including Junior Squad, Deep Fish, Access or Private.

You can now enrol online!

Please note Adult, Access and Private is not available to enrol online. Please use the enquiry form below.

For help with online enrolments please see the guide "How to Enrol Online".

  • How to Enrol Online

    To enrol your child or someone who you are a guardian for:

    1. Create Account
      • Visit the online customer portal
      • Select 'Swimming Lessons'
      • Select 'Create Free Guest Account'
      • Complete your (the responsible parent/guardian) details.
      • Select 'create account'
      • Select 'Customer portal' to be taken to the Swimming Lessons timetable
    2. Add a Student
      • You should be automatically directed to the Swimming Lessons timetableIf you cannot see the timetable select 'Book' and 'Swimming Lessons'
      • In the top right select the 'Add a student'
      • Complete the student details.
    3. Determine your level (students must complete a level assessment to enrol in a day and time)
      • Select the Swimming Lessons Category to start the self-assessment 
      • Answer questions
      • Your level will be assigned
      • Select 'Next' to receive confirmation that you student account has been created.
      • Select 'Select day and time' to be taken to the Swimming Lessons timetable for your allocated level.
    4. Enrol into your class day and time
      • Search and select your class day and time. These will be filtered to your allocated level
      • Select 'enrol now'
      • In the pop-up window, select 'enrol now' for the student you wish to enrol in this class.
    5. Make payment
      • Select your payment plan
      • Complete the agreement of terms and conditions
      • Select your preferred payment method (bank details or credit card/debit card) for your contract and select 'next'.

    Payment Methods

    Please note, these details you enter will be linked to your contract for all future payments. You can change your payment details in the future using your online customer portal

    Bank details

    • Enter your bank details.
    • You will be taken to the payment gateway to make your initial payment which will need to be made by a credit/debit card.
    • Make payment.

    Credit/debit card

    • Enter your credit/debit card details.
    • Make payment.
    • Contract confirmation.

    You will receive an email confirming that you are now a member with your contract attached.

    Visit us to collect your membership access card and ask us any questions you may have.


  • Watch Around Water policy

    At SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre and the Y we are a Watch Around Water endorsed aquatic safety organisation. The following information is the new watch around water policy launched in centre from 1 September 2019.

    Watch Around Water is a set of industry guidelines outlining the minimum supervision requirements of young children at all affiliated aquatic venues. 

    Children under 5 years old

    All children MUST be accompanied into the centre by a person 16 years and older and supervised within arms’ reach, at all times in the water.

    All children MUST wear a pink wristband supplied by YMCA staff to help identify their age while swimming.

    Children will not be admitted without a full fee paying parent/guardian who must also be in the water at all times. Groups will not be admitted entry where the number of parents/guardians supervising a group of children under 5 years exceeds the ratio of 1:2 (effective 1 September 2019).

    Children under 10 years old

    All children under the age of 10 MUST be accompanied into the centre by a person 16 years and older. All children MUST be actively supervised by an adult over the age of 16 at all times. The adult must have a clear and active view of the child with no physical or structural barriers between them (this includes tech and devices).

    A child of limited swimming ability and or reliant on a flotation aid much be accompanied and in arms' reach in the water by a responsible person 16 years and older regardless of the child's age.

    All children MUST wear a yellow wristband supplied by YMCA staff to help identify their age while swimming. Groups will not be admitted entry where the number of parents/guardians supervising a group of children under 10 years exceeds the ratio of 1:4.

    All children

    Unsupervised children (of any age) will be removed from the water if the lifeguard is concerned for their safety.

    A child of limited swimming ability and or reliant on a flotation aid much be accompaniedand in arms' reach in the water by a responsible person 16 years and older regardless of the child's age.

    Birthday parties

    All children under the age of 10 MUST be accompanied into the centre by a person 16 years and older and handed over to the supervision of the birthday party host (staff member).

    All birthday party participants must wear a green wristband to identify their participation in a party AND will be given an age based wristband (pink or yellow) at the conclusion of their birthday party if they choose to use the aquatic facilities (effective 1 September 2019). The adult guardian of the birthday party child MUST remain accessible and actively supervise the group at all times.

    At the conclusion of the birthday party the child/children will remain in the supervision of the birthday party leader and supervising parent until physically handed over to their supervising parent/guardian.

    Visit the watch around water website

    For more information visit the Watch Around Water website.

Current student & parent swimming lessons resources

Click here

For more information see our Swimming Lessons FAQ page

Click Here

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